The winter is the childhood of the year. Into this childhood of the year came the child Jesus; and into this childhood of the year must we all descend. It is as if God spoke to each of us according to our need: My son, my daughter, you are growing old and cunning; you must grow a child again, with my son, this blessed birth-time. You are growing old and selfish; you must become a child. You are growing old and careful; you much become a child. You are growing old and distrustful; you must become a child. You are growing old and petty, and weak, and foolish; you must become a child-my child, like the baby there, that strong sunrise of faith and hope and love, lying in his mother's arms in the stable."
Adela Cathcart by George MacDonald
I am overwhelmingly encouraged by the fact that the LORD knows me. He knows what interests me, He knew who the best person to set up as my Tutor, He knows how to guide and direct my path. He waits patiently for me to realize the things about me that He already knows. I am the one who has tried to study, follow, and believe what other people are studying, learning, and believing. I’ve realized that I need to read and pursue the topics that touch me deeply and move me. As I do that I will, hopefully, learn what it is that He has for me to learn. Be it about Him, people, or the world around me. Creation is full of things to know. I believe there are different times to learn different things. I have tried to jump onto the paths of others and learn what they are studying. I find what they are in to interesting and see them as things I would like to know, but often times I become burned out by trying to study what isn’t mine to study yet. I have been, and if I am honest with myself still can be, too concerned with what other people think about me, what they think about what I enjoy, what I choose to spend my time pursuing, etc. So my study and my life becomes what other people are pursuing, and I am no closer to knowing me, what I truly enjoy, and how the LORD created me. There are more things to study and learn than I will ever be able to. I have to be okay with that. Otherwise I might go crazy. As it is, I am feeling more and more healed as each day goes on, and I am more affirmed in who I am, in who I was created to be. I am by no means perfect, nor do I ever think I will reach perfection. The LORD is Beautiful. He is Incredible. He is Loving. He is Just. Righteous. He is more than I will ever be able to know. Hmm…I think I need to let that last part sink in and take root.
I am excited. I am reading fairy tales, the Bible, a book about Christian Mythmakers, and today was lent a community college textbook on western heritage.
This rainy day is reflecting how I feel at the moment. I am working with identity and confidence issues. Issues that I dealt with in KC, but have quickly come to the forefront here. It's hard, but I know it is good, or will be, and is necessary for growth. And I want to continue to grow. Overall my time has been good. I am learning about myself and living with other people. I am going over things with the Lord, and reading a lot. :)
In a few minutes I will be off to The Snug to sip on an americano and hopefully face time Ang. This afternoon some of us decided to do some baking. Should be fun times.
Bowen is a friendly place. I have hitch-hiked for the first time in my life among a few other firsts. Life at L'Abri takes time to get the hang of. Study time in the mornings, and work in the afternoon. Both the morning and the afternoon are broken up by tea time. L'Abri is set at the top of an almost impossibly steep hill, and is surrounded by wonderfully tall trees. These trees cut us off from the rest of the island, and the water separates us from the mainland and all of the busyness that inhabits the mainland. The cove, where town is, where I am at the library, is pretty. I will soon be shown some of the favorite view spots from a new friend and fellow student. I'm excited about this. I love the trees and the green, but I am so much looking forward to a view of the beautifully snow-capped Cascades, and the other islands dotting the water around me.
Today I went to a beach with a few friends. This past week has been uncommonly rainy and cold, so the sunshine and warmth of today is extremely welcome.
I will begin meeting with my 'tutor' sometime this next week. I found out yesterday I am going to be meeting with the person I was hoping for.
Thursday I spent the afternoon and evening in Vancouver with Tiffany, a new friend, from Pennsylvania. We went 'off the beaten path' to a restaurant, we didn't want a chain we wanted something with an authentic Vancouver feel. We also walked along the English Bay portion of the sea wall, and visited Inukshuk. I decided, however, that I don't want to go into Vancouver very often on my day off. I would rather explore Bowen or lounge around the property. In a couple of weeks I am going to visit Regent with a few friends. AND I might go camping up near Whistler sometime this summer, and get this...I will be going with new friends from the states. Who knew I would be hanging out with a kid from Nebraska and another guy, whom I have yet to meet, from California.
“You mean it spoke?”
“I don't know. Now that you mention it, I don't think it did. But it told me all the same. And I knew I'd have to do what it told me, so I got up and followed it. And it led me a long way into the mountains. And there was always this moonlight over and round the lion wherever we went. So at last we came to the top of a mountain I'd never seen before and on the top of this mountain there was a garden - trees and fruit and everything. In the middle of it there was a well.“I knew it was a well because you could see the water bubbling up from the bottom of it: but it was a lot bigger than most wells - like a very big, round bath with marble steps going down into it. The water was as clear as anything and I thought if I could get in there and bathe it would ease the pain in my leg. But the lion told me I must undress first. Mind you, I don't know if he said any words out loud or not.“I was just going to say that I couldn't undress because I hadn't any clothes on when I suddenly thought that dragons are snaky sort of things and snakes can cast their skins. Oh, of course, thought I, that's what the lion means. So I started scratching myself and my scales began coming off all over the place. And then I scratched a little deeper and, instead of just scales coming off here and there, my whole skin started peeling off beautifully, like it does after an illness, or as if I was a banana. In a minute or two I just stepped out of it. I could see it lying there beside me, looking rather nasty. It was a most lovely feeling. So I started to go down into the well for my bathe.“But just as I was going to put my feet into the water I looked down and saw that they were all hard and rough and wrinkled and scaly just as they had been before. Oh, that's all right, said I, it only means I had another smaller suit on underneath the first one, and I'll have to get out of it too. So I scratched and tore again and this underskin peeled off beautifully and out I stepped and left it lying beside the other one and went down to the well for my bathe.“Well, exactly the same thing happened again. And I thought to myself, oh dear, how ever many skins have I got to take off? For I was longing to bathe my leg. So I scratched away for the third time and got off a third skin, just like the two others, and stepped out of it. But as soon as I looked at myself in the water I knew it had been no good.“Then the lion said - but I don't know if it spoke – ‘You will have to let me undress you.’ I was afraid of his claws, I can tell you, but I was pretty nearly desperate now. So I just lay flat down on my back to let him do it.“The very first tear he made was so deep that I thought it had gone right into my heart. And when he began pulling the skin off, it hurt worse than anything I've ever felt. The only thing that made me able to bear it was just the pleasure of feeling the stuff peel off. You know - if you've ever picked the scab off a sore place. It hurts like billy-oh but it is such fun to see it coming away.”
“I know exactly what you mean,” said Edmund.
“Well, he peeled the beastly stuff right off - just as I thought I'd done it myself the other three times, only they hadn't hurt - and there it was lying on the grass: only ever so much thicker, and darker, and more knobbly-looking than the others had been. And there was I as smooth and soft as a peeled switch and smaller than I had been. Then he caught hold of me - I didn't like that much for I was very tender underneath now that I'd no skin on - and threw me into the water. It smarted like anything but only for a moment. After that it became perfectly delicious and as soon as I started swimming and splashing I found that all the pain had gone from my arm. And then I saw why. I'd turned into a boy again. You'd think me simply phoney if I told you how I felt about my own arms. I know they've no muscle and are pretty mouldy compared with Caspian's, but I was so glad to see them. After a bit the lion took me out and dressed me –"
“Dressed you. With his paws?”
“Well, I don't exactly remember that bit. But he did somehow or other: in new clothes - the same I've got on now, as a matter of fact. And then suddenly I was back here. Which is what makes me think it must have been a dream.”
“No. It wasn't a dream,” said Edmund.
“Why not?”
“Well, there are the clothes, for one thing. And you have been - well, un-dragoned, for another.”
“What do you think it was, then?” asked Eustace.
“I think you've seen Aslan,” said Edmund."
I have studied many times
The marble which was chiseled for me --
A boat with a furled sail at rest in a harbor.
In truth it pictures not my destination
But my life.
For love was offered me and I shrank from its disillusionment;
Sorrow knocked at my door, but I was afraid;
Ambition called to me, but I dreaded the chances.
Yet all the while I hungered for meaning in my life.
And now I know that we must lift the sail
And catch the winds of destiny
Wherever they drive the boat.
To put meaning in one's life may end in madness,
But life without meaning is the torture
Of restlessness and vague desire --
It is a boat longing for the sea and yet afraid.
by Edgar Lee Masters
I'm currently working harder than I ever have and it's worth it. To be able to study and be with the Lord in Canada for the summer is a dream come true, and it will be incredible. Plus I will be meeting new people! Exciting times. It's almost hard to believe they are my very own 'exciting times'. I take them with arms wide open.
run on its way
friends in a bit
friends i will never forget.
Ahhh...I love spring time. I love family. I love friends. I love that Sam is recording. I love that friends share. I love that God is in control even though that means I will be uncomfortable time and time again. I love that I live with my family right now. I love that I can talk to my mom and sisters about anything. I love that I get to see you in a few hours :) I am blessed.
One by one Elf, Man, Dwarf, Wizard and Hobbit step forward claiming their intent to journey with the Ring-Bearer and protect him at all costs. (insert Pippin's comic relief, "Where are we going?") Just as no two snowflakes are alike so the personalities and motivations of each of these individuals are different.
So much responsibility is put on the Ring-Bearer. He has to make decisions on topics he knows nothing about. Frodo, whose race is the most ignorant of the widely wicked world, and are perhaps the most innocent creatures that dwells in Middle Earth, takes the responsibility upon himself to destroy an object connected to the greatest evil known to the race of men, hobbits, dwarves, etc. (Elves are exempt as they have been around since the creation of Middle Earth, and They have known other great evils.)
In Moria
Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the ring in which case you were also meant to have it, and that is an encouraging thought.
The dialogue immediately preceding this is also powerful.
In a way Tolkien dissects mankind into different categories and assigns different attributes to the different races in this epic tale. While no race is perfect, some seem more apt to make terribly hurtful decisions, while others are more pure.
Elves-Fair, immortal unless killed, wisest of the inhabitants of Middle Earth. In all fairness, the Lord of the Rings does not highlight the potential elves have to do evil. One would have to read The Silmarillion. While elves are present and greatly needed in LOTR they do not have a leading role. This is not their tale.
Men-There is the line of Numenor, the line of the Kings known for living up to 200 years. Aragorn is the only one left of this line. Then, I suppose, you have the rest of mankind including the Stewards from which Boromir descends. Man desires power. As Galadriel informs us, "And nine...nine rings were gifted to the race of Men...who above all else, desire power."
Dwarves-Greedy and stubborn. "The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum... shadow and flame."~Saruman.
Hobbits-Innocent and unassuming. They farm, love to eat and smoke pipe weed, and know little to nothing of what goes on in the outside world. Likewise, few know that Hobbits exists.
Maiar-Numerous being though we only meet three in LOTR. Sarumon, Gandalf and Sauron. In the book J.R.R. Tolkien: Architect of Middle Earth I read that Tolkien admitted to Edmund Fuller that "Gandalf is an angel". If Gandalf is an angel the other two must be angels, also. Though they fell. Sauron was Melkor's servant, and Sarumon followed in Sauron's footsteps years later.---Gandalf has great power. There are obstacles for him to overcome, the Balrog of Morgoth a.k.a. Melkor is one example, but most of the time he doesn't seem to exhibit his full might. He helps but ultimately the battle is for the races of Middle Earth to fight.
On earth, in our existence, man has great potential to do good and to do evil. Being created in the image of the Almighty we have been given much more than we will ever know. This "good" and potential "innocence" is represented by the Hobbits along with their "child-like faith. Wisdom is seen in the Elves and Gandalf. The Elves also have a love and care for creation, they seem to enjoy living in the woods. Man is fickle and fallen, prone to violence and easily swayed, BUT they have great potential and humility and some desire to do what was is right. The Dwarves are hardworking and work with their hands. They build elaborate underground cities, and mine great treasures.
I have barely scratched the surface of the symbolism and beauty in this tale. Tolkien was a brilliant man. His love for Story and for Faerie is evident and speaks to numerous people on many levels. He was truly a sub-creator. "We have come from God, and inevitably the myths woven by us, though they contain error, will also reflect a splintered fragment of the true light, the eternal truth that is with God. Indeed only by myth-making, only by becoming 'sub-creator' and inventing stories, can Man aspire to the state of perfection that he knew before the Fall. Our myths may be misguided, but they steer however shakily towards the true harbour, while materialistic 'progress' leads only to a yawning abyss and the Iron Crown of the power of evil." J.R.R. Tolkien
Standing still
Moment chosen
Morning chill
Presence lacked
Frost destroyed
Earth cracked
Formless void
Happiness missing
Hope deferred
Drawn-out wishing
Something heard
Beauty seen
Shadow betrayed
Sprouting green
Foundation made
Mane glimpsed
Closer now
Enemy's bane
Lion's how
Another step
Not alone
Given prep
Beloved stone
Discovered trail
Patures green
Forbidden gale
Goal seen
However, it is at this very moment I am deciding not be weighed down and ask the Lord to "examine me, and know my heart; test me, and know my thoughts. See if there is in me any hurtful way, and lead me along the eternal way" (ps. 139.23-24) and trust "ADONAI will fulfill His purpose for me. Your grace ADONAI, continues forever. Don't Abandon the work of Your hands!". (ps. 138.8)
Come Thou Fount by Sufjan Stevens

I was talking to my uncle at our family Christmas get together, and he started talking about something that sounded interesting, inviting, and right up my alley. Francis Schaeffer, a name I was not familiar with at the time, started L'Abri in 1955 in Switzerland where he and his family were living at the time.
After talking with him about it I started researching L'Abri. There are 11 locations worldwide, 2 of which are in the US. There are locations in England, Germany, Holland, Australia, a few other countries one of them being, can you guess? Canada! British Columbia, Canada no less!
I'm going! I sent them my deposit and plan on being there for the 2 month summer session. Half (4 hours) of the work day will be spent working doing stuff such as cooking, gardening, laundry, and other work to help keep up the property. The other half of the day will be spent listening to lectures, studying, etc. There will be time for discussion over meals and during other times. I am extremely excited!!
http://labri.org/canada/index.html This is the link. Check it out if you feel like it. The above pictures are from this site, and there are a lot more. The property is on an island about a 20 minute ferry ride from Vancouver. Absolutely beautiful from the pictures I've seen. A great place to take pictures with my new camera. :)
I didn't see this coming. I am really glad this is what I am going to be doing.
Taken from Making Dignity My Art by Judy Ammar
My 'getting better' isn't necessarily what the Lord considers getting better. If it were me I would take the pain away, but would I really? I would like to, but I believe that everything is from the Lord, therefore, everything has meaning. From the greatest joy to the deepest sorrow. Easy for me to say, right? I haven't myself personally experienced the pain of loss that so many in the world have, that people I love have. If everything is from Hashem, as I believe it is, I need not entertain the thoughts of making life 'easier'. This is hard as I still want to. I have to trust Him.
I love you.
"All the days of our lives we must continue to deepen our sense of mystery in order to be worthy of attaining faith. Callousness to mystery is our greatest obstacle"
God in Search of Man