
In 37 days I will embark on my, to date, biggest adventure. As I view images from the region of B.C. where I will be staying I am falling in love with it more and more. I don't know exactly what May 23rd throuh July 27th holds for me. A new and better understanding of the world around me? Of the Lord? Of myself? All of the above I hope. Since I decided to go to L'Abri in January I have had a number of trials, and have worked through deep faith issues I didn't know I had. I knew going to L'Abri would help shed light on questions I have, but I didn't realize the time leading up to it would be this dark, trying, hard and revealing.

I'm currently working harder than I ever have and it's worth it. To be able to study and be with the Lord in Canada for the summer is a dream come true, and it will be incredible. Plus I will be meeting new people! Exciting times. It's almost hard to believe they are my very own 'exciting times'. I take them with arms wide open.

1 comment:

justjess said...

I'm excited for you. Thanks for the update. I hope you plan to take lots of pictures and post stories while you're gone. We'll miss your face.