
I don't know everything. I want to. I try to. I can't. In fact, I know little. Why do I think I need to know everything, and be able to answer every question? No one knows the future. We don't even know an hour from now, or even two minutes from now. I feel the weight of all of my questions. I try to take them all on at once. Confusion and a sense of helplessness overwhelms. I am learning, I hope, I don't have to have the answers. Perhpas someday I will be able to answer more of them than I am able to at this moment.

However, it is at this very moment I am deciding not be weighed down and ask the Lord to "examine me, and know my heart; test me, and know my thoughts. See if there is in me any hurtful way, and lead me along the eternal way" (ps. 139.23-24) and trust "ADONAI will fulfill His purpose for me. Your grace ADONAI, continues forever. Don't Abandon the work of Your hands!". (ps. 138.8)

Come Thou Fount by Sufjan Stevens


justjess said...

Beautiful, that song really ministered to my heart. Way to step out in what you know to be right when you don't feel like doing it. I'm encouraged.

Kait said...

Hey, Allison, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you do, in fact, have to know everything. You might want to get on that soon.