
One of my favorite things to do while at camp is pick blueberries.
Alas, I was alone in my strong desire to venture out.
There was, however, one time that Aliya went with me in the woods right
behind our cabin.
The next evening Erin humored me and went with me.
I loved walking up the dirt road with her on the lookout for blueberry bushes. While we were out we met some other pickers on their way back.
They told us about a spot about three miles from where we were
that was well stocked. They had 2 or 3 one gallon ice cream
tubs that were nearly full! Could it be true?! Did such
a place actually exist?

The next evening Erin humored me
once more, and we went in search of this fabled land of abundant blueberries.
Oh-me oh-my...Fantastic lands do exist and I have journeyed in one of them.
Land of Abundant Blueberries is the proper title for this wonderful place.
I was shocked that my family has been
making the trek to Gummeson's Camp for 61 years and
we were just now learning about this amazing spot.


cass said...

So how did they taste?

Allison said...

oh my goodness...amazing. store bought blueberries do not stand a chance next to these wild wonders.

Lauren Blake said...

love the first picture with the sun coming through... I love finding new discoveries too. Noah and I found a new blackberry bush behind my parents house. Yummy.

Allison said...

Thank you. I really like it, too.