
Monday or Tuesday of this week I decided that a change is necessary. I have become slightly obsessed with the lemon blueberry muffins at 515 Coffee, and with certain iced coffee drinks. I notice that when I start my day with said muffin, even if I eat it mid-morning, I crave more refined carbohydrates and sweets than I do if I haven't consumed a muffin. Oddly enough I don't start feeling bloated until I am no longer eating. I have noticed this over the course of the last year. I will eat something, crave more, eat more, crave more, eat more...you get the idea. (This isn't limited to just muffins, bagels, teddy grahams, donuts, etc. these do the same thing.) I decided to eliminate refined carbs from my diet as much as possible for the next 2 weeks. That's right. I will allow myself to eat sweets on Sabbath, though, even then I am not going to stuff my face.

I'm letting you all know because if I keep it to myself I am not accountable to anyone and I fail.

For me it's a matter of self-control. A matter of being disciplined and reaping the benefits. Last night a friend texted a quote to me from the book Assumptions by Dr Christian Overman, "self control is not just a matter of restraining evil impulses, but of initiating good without being manipulated to do so." Oh my how that spoke to me. When I eat like that it does not allow for my body to heal. In fact, I take about 10 steps back. I was incredibly bloated and uncomfortable yesterday and the day before. Before that I had been doing loads better. My body was finally starting to feel 'normal' again after over a year of being bloated. To say that I am learning lesson upon lesson would be an understatement. It's a bummer I had to learn this lesson this way, so hopefully I will finally learn my lesson!

The two weeks starts today. I have mixed emotions. I know it will be good. I know it will be hard. I was watching Veggie Tales with Noah last night and one of the lessons Minnesota Cuke had to learn was the right thing to do isn't always the easy thing. I thought about my struggle. The "right" thing to do is definitely not the easiest choice.


Lauren Blake said...

I am glad you had an spiritual experience watching noah and veggies last night. I support your decision and will try not to offer you too many refined carbs. except on shabbat.

Kait said...

Proud of you Al, easier said than done and I admire your vulnerability.

Allison said...

Thanks to both of you! I can't do it on my own. One of the thousands of reasons why community is so great.