
09/22- ran 1 mile with Erin
09/23- 5 with Jacklynn
09/24-1.5 with Erin-she is doing great!
09/25- 4 ish- on my own
09/27- 10 with Jacklynn
My knees have been a little sore after the 10 miles. I usually walk around more after my long run, but yesterday I did a lot more sitting. I also don't think I stretched good enough after the run. Makes a huge difference. My legs are feeling pretty good today though. Something I am extremely grateful about.
09/28- Rest

Today I am in a bit of a funk. I think one of the main contributors to this funk is work. I realized over the weekend that work is stressing me out more than I thought. Not because I am overloaded with stuff to do, but because of how vague my job description is at this point. I don't even know if I want to do what they have for me. It might be more money, but do I go after more money even if it is something that I dread or really don't want to do? Money isn't worth it at that point, is it? If I don't, what then? Would they still have a position for me here? Good question.


Lauren Blake said...

these are hard decisions hopefully once you know more about your new position you will be able to decide. transitions are always hard. By the way you looked stunning today! I wish I looked that good at 7:30 am!

Kait said...

Hey Allison,

I realized I didn't really get to hear the rest of your explanation about you job on Sunday...sorry about that. Know that you are thought of prayerfully by many (including me). Hang in there!


Kait said...

...and to your question I say money is never worth it. but that's just me. :)