
Junction City was my home away from home for the weekend. I went to stay with my Dad, step Mom and step Grandma. They are a fun crew. I definitely had my fill of Lifetime and Hallmark channel Christmas movies. (extremely cheesy santa characters who had even more ridiculous ho-ho-ho's. I enjoyed spending time with them though.

Saturday morning I met with my uncle Ronnie who is amazing. My whole life I have looked up to him and have learned so much from him. We spent three wonderful hours talking about work, life, the L-rd, and so much more. I cherish every second I get to spend with him, and I hope for many more years of intelligent, loving, real life conversation.

After my hang out time with Ronnie I decided to drive around Junction to find a place to take pictures. I decided to drive out to Milford Lake-Grandma Jan told me it is the largest lake in Kansas. I was there once before a couple of years ago. I didn't where I was going. It was fun to wing it. The place I found probably wasn't a very popular spot. There was a little dock and a cool rocky point that I walked out on. Other than the wind the day was beautiful. The sun was shining bright and the sky was dotted with clouds. I took a lot of pictures out there. I am excited to go back to other locations at the lake to take more pictures. Freezing temperatures + water = icy rocks on the point. While I was taking pictures on the point I noticed a large white area over on the little beach. I figured it was something covered in ice. Was I correct? Yes I was.

It was actually pretty cool. This was the only spot like this in the whole area.


Maasen said...

NICE! Those icy ones are fantastic!

Lauren Blake said...

good eye ont he water and ice combo. we missed you while you gone but glad you had a good time and are back!