
Not So Short-try this again

According to m-w.com
Adventure: 1.an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks.b.the encountering of risks.2.an exciting or remarkable experience.

According to Allison pre 07.11.10
Adventure: 1.To experience risk and excitement around every corner. With every blink of my eyes. Each turn of my head.2.To travel to far off and exotic places, to face thrilling white water currents, or live without much (job) responsibility.3.Freedom.

Inside of me are deep longings. I long to be beyond this Shadowland that is Earth. This land that is but a reflection, a shadow, of Heaven, of The World to Come. I long to understand myself and what will fulfill the intense longings in my spirit. I long to live life to the fullest. To be out of doors, to take photographs, to be with people, to help others, to live in such a way that I am hard after fulfilling my destiny. I want to experience new places, the redwoods and giant sequoias of northern California, the Painted Desert, the slopes in Colorado, British Colombia, the Flint Hills as storms roll in, China, sunsets, riding a horse, be it hard and fast or slow and steady, through a pasture. I long to be known, to be seen, heard, and understood. To see people. To be present and available. I am starting to desire experiencing (new) people. I don't just mean babies either. I desire understanding myself and what the L-rd has put in me. Discovering what it is that He wants me to do. The longings draw an arrow to my heart. The deep desires of my heart put there by the L-rd Himself. What is the common thread? Beauty. I long to experience and know beauty first hand. I would be a professional beauty explorer and inspector if I could.

That's it. Right there. All of the 'longings' point to Him. What is beauty but an expression of HaShem? Glimpses here and there of Him in this dark world. The whole world groans and longs for Him and for the establishment of His kingdom. For the King to reign on His Holy Hill. O Zion, when will you be inhabited by the King of kings?!

To say I have fallen prey to the glammed up Hollywood version of adventure would be an understatement. I was also very much a part of the mainstream America book club. For a long time I would escape into these fantasy worlds. I would see the people and the glorious landscapes and experience the 'adventure' through my vivid imagination.

I have been seeking fulfillment in the things I do and judging the validity of my experiences by looking at others and what they are able to do. For me it wasn't until Sunday night that I realized I am a part of the most epic journey/adventure of all time. (cue the dramatic music). Adventure isn't being able to ski everyday, or white water raft the most intense rapids, or have zero responsibility. (don't get me wrong, it's definitely ok to expose ourselves to the fun that can be had outside. i love camping, hiking, etc.) Real adventure is seeking the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and allowing Him to have you. It is letting people into our lives, letting ourselves take part in their pain and joy, and letting them know ours. Adventure is finding the L-rd in your work environment. He's there. Don't believe me? Do you have co-workers? Are they human beings? Look at one of them. There He is. Whether or not that person seeks after Him or even believes in Him.

One last thing. Look at the big picture. Live life with an eternal perspective. Each day will be seen differently. I pray that when I truly have this perspective I won't say 'I' so much.


Lauren Blake said...

so glad you took the time to post again... this a beautiful post.. I see so much of the beauty of the Lord in you. love you bunches thanks for pointing me to Him today.

Carlye said...

thank you for your eternal perspective and how we can have eternity with Him NOW. what a blessing your adventurous heart is! i can't imagine the amazing treks you and He will embark upon! :)


mountain girl said...

beautifully said!

Susan said...

I love the journey you're on. It's a beautiful thing itself.

Anonymous said...

that was beautiful, thank you for sharing and for drawing me nearer to HaShem today!
